Could yogurt prevent precancerous growths ?

We are in the world of EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE . To know pros and cons of a particular product or food to human beings we conduct some studies called Epidemiological studies (ex- randomised control trials , case control studies , cohort studies etc.., ) and this studies go on until we have complete evidence regarding our subject under study .

Coming to the question “could yogurt prevent precancerous growth” - Well there is still lack of evidence whether actually yogurt prevents or increases risk of precancerous growths and cancers . But until now the epidemiological studies done regarding yogurt and other dairy products show following results :

1) Colorectal carcinoma 

Reduced risk ( due to lactobacillus in yogurt , which has mutualistic relationship with humans )

2) Gastric carcinoma & breast carcinoma 

No clear evidence some studies show increased risk whereas some show decreased risk , but I personally think it reduces risk of gastric carcinoma as yogurt is probiotic (I.e.., it contains bacteria which are very good and helpful for u ) and yogurt may increase risk of breast carcinoma if taken in excess due to its fat content and calcium content

3) Prostate cancer 

Increase risk ( due to calcium , estrogen in curd )

4) Bone cancer 

Decreased risk (calcium is very good for bones it reduces risk of bone cancer, but generally if a person has bone cancer due to breakage of bone calcium gets released into blood which may get u to misconception that high calcium intake can cause bone cancer)

5) Lung carcinoma

Not known until now but the studies show there is some kind of association to lung cancer but we don’t know whether it increases or decreases risk of lung cancer
