Ectopic pregnancy

Fertilized ovum implants outside of normal uterine cavity

Sites for ectopic pregnancy :- 

Fallopian tube (Most common) > Ovary > Abdomen > Cervix

Fallopian tube / Tubal ectopic pregnancy (Ampulla > Isthmus > Infundibulum with associated Fimbriae > Interstitium)

Other sites - 

Caesarean scar pregnancy (Type 1 and Type 2)

Cornual ectopic pregnancy - (In Horn of Uterus - Non communicating , Functional Rudimentary cornua of unicornuate uterus , cornua of bicornuate uterus or septate uterus)

Note  - "Heterotopic Pregnancy" - Multiple gestations i.e..,  Ectopic pregnancy outside uterus with concurrent intrauterine pregnancy

Risk factors :-

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (Most common)

Previous ectopic pregnancy (Highest risk for present ectopic pregnancy)

Prior tubal ligation

Prior Pelvic / abdominal surgery

IUD usage



Bicornate uterus

Maternal age >35yrs

Use of assisted reproductive technology like IVF ( Invitro fertilization ) 

History of infertility (Kartagener syndrome)

Diethylstillbestrol (DES)

Hormonal therapy

Symptoms :-

Pelvic pain / discomfort

Abdominal pain / discomfort & Guarding (often Confused as appendicitis)

Nausea / Vomiting



Vaginal bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding (A fall in levels of Progesterone and hCG will cause Endometrial sloughing and uterine bleeding in ectopic pregnancy)

Symptoms due to Tubal rupture  :- 

Interstitial segment of tube is relatively thick segment with greater capacity to expand than distal segment of Fallopian tube. Moreover interstitium is close to uterine myometrium which provides support as pregnancy progresses

So unlike tubal ectopic pregnancy which usually ruptures at 6 to 8 weeks of gestation , Interstitial ectopic pregnancy may progress without symptoms until rupture occurs at 12-16 weeks

Sudden acute severe lower abdominal pain with catastrophic hemorrhage and hemorrhagic shock features appear with rupture of tubal pregnancy (especially interstitial pregnancy rupture)

Shock index :-

To detect hemodynamic instability and hypovolemia

Shock index = Heart rate / Systolic blood pressure 

Normal = 0.5 to 0.7 (Non-Pregnant women) ; 0.7 to 0.9 (In Pregnant women ; Obstetrical shock index)

>0.85 shock index and SBP <110mmhg is seen in ruptured ectopic pregnancy leading to massive blood loss

Criteria's for ectopic pregnancy :-

1) Spiegelberg's criteria - Ovarian ectopic pregnancy

2) Studdiford criteria - Abdominal ectopic pregnancy

3) Rubin criteria Modified by Paalman and McElin - Cervical pregnancy

Diagnosis :-
