Developmental milestones

Social / Emotional milestones -

2 months - Social smile (smiles when you talk to or smile at them) (If social smile is absent there can be visual problem) (Upper limit of age for attainment of visual fixation / following is 2 months)

Note - Social smile is different form Reflex smiles (early smiles/Spontaneous smiles) as reflex smiles is smile which occurs spontaneously without any social interaction it can be present even before birth in womb of mother

3 months - Recognizes Parents , Anticipates feeds

4 months - Localizes to sound (Turns head towards sound)

6 months - Stranger anxiety

9 months - Separation anxiety (Considered normal upto 3 yrs age) , Waves "BYE BYE"

12 months - Follows simple command ; comes when called ; Cries when familiar people leave , makes gestures ; plays simple ball game

15 months - Jargon

18 months - Plays pretend  , kisses / hugs familiar people , copies parents in task

2 years - Asks for food , drink , toilet ; Begins playing with other people , Parallel play 

3 years - Dresses / undresses self , Shares toys , Knows full name & Gender

4 years - Likes to play with others , more imaginative play , goes to toilet alone

5 years - differentiates between real and pretend , wants to be like friends , helps in household tasks

Gross motor milestones - 

3 months - Neck holding (Complete head control)

5-6 months - Rolls over ,  sits in tripod position (sits with own support)

8 months - Sits without support

9 months - Stands while holding onto something with support , Crawls

12 months - Stands without support , walks but falls , creeps well 

15 months - Stoops and recovers , walks alone , creeps upstairs 

18 months -  Learns to walk backwards with help , Runs

2 yrs - walks upstairs and downstairs with 2 feet / step , Jumps , Kicks ball , Throws ball overhand , Stands on tip toes 

3 yrs - Walks upstairs with alternate foot , Rides tricycle

4 yrs - Hopping on 1 foot , catches and throws ball overhand , walks downstairs with alternate foot , Can stand on 1 foot for 2 seconds

5 yrs - Skips , Can stand on 1 foot for 10 seconds , somersault

Fine motor milestones (Significance - Hand eye coordination) -

2 months - Eyes track past midline

4 months - Holds and shakes rattle , Bidextrous reach (Reaches for objects with both hands) 

6 months - Unidextrous reach (Reaches for objects with one hand) , Raking grasp (using fingers except thumb like a rake , curling top of fingers over the object) , Transfers objects (comparing objects) 

9 months - Immature pincer grasp , Plays "Peek-a-boo"

12 months - Mature pincer grasp , Points at object , Puts things in a cup and removes them , bangs things together

15 months - Imitates scribbling , Tower of 2 blocks

18 months - Scribbles with crayon , marker or pen, Eats with spoons and cups, points to one body part , Tower of 3 blocks

2 yrs - Tower of 6 blocks , Copies a line

3 yrs - Tower of 9 blocks , Copies a circle , Turns pages in a book , Pushes buttons , Turns Knobs

4 yrs - Bridge with blocks , copies a vertical cross , Draws a person with 2 to 4 body parts

5 yrs - Gate with blocks , copies Triangle , can Tie shoelaces , Draws a person with 6 body parts , Prints some letters and numbers

Language / Communication milestones -

1 month - Alerts to sound

2 months  -  Coos ; Reacts to loud sounds

4 months - Laughs , makes consonant sounds

6 months - Babbles , Monosyllables (ma , pa , ba)

9 months - Bisyllables (mama , baba , dada) , Understands "NO"

12 months - knows 1-5 words

18 months - knows 10-50 words

2 yrs - knows  >/= 50 words , uses 2 word sentences , uses pronouns (I ,Me , You)

3yrs - Asks questions , knows full name and gender , knows>/= 300 words , Uses 3 word sentences

4 yrs - Tells stories , identifies colors and numbers , sings songs , says poems

5 yrs - Speaks fluently , asks meaning of words , counts to 10, uses future tense



By Maurajbo at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0,