Does keto diet really work ?

What is keto diet ? 

Low carbohydrate and High Fat diet with moderate amounts of proteins

How does Keto diet differ from Regular diet ?

Regular diet - 

45-65% Calories from Carbohydrates

20-35% Calories from Fat

10-35% Calories from Protein

Keto diet - 

75% Calories from Fats

20% Calories from Proteins

5% Calories from Carbohydrates

i.e.., In Ketogenic diet we are taking almost 4 grams of fat for 1 gram of (Protein + Carbohydrate)

Why Ketogenic diet became so popular ?

Keto diet is proven to be effective for short term weight loss & also studies show that it is also beneficial for Type 2 diabetes mellitus , Childhood epilepsy , Dementia , ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) , After Traumatic brain injury , PCOS , some cancers

Do we really loose weight with Keto diet ?

Carbohydrates mainly glucose is the primary source of energy production in our body tissues . Since we have shifted to low carbohydrate and high fat keto diet our body is now deprived of glucose. As our blood glucose decreases , insulin secretion also decreases and our body enters into a Catabolic state.

now 2 things can happen -

1) Our body starts producing glucose by itself from non carbohydrate precursors 

2) Our  body enters into a state called "Nutritional Ketosis" (i.e.., Our body starts replacing Ketone bodies as the Primary source of energy instead of Glucose

But for ketone bodies to be produced our stored body fats must burn. So the stored body fats starts decreasing and thus we loose weight.

So , Yes Keto Diet works !

Are there any side effects of keto diet ?

Initially when body enters to a state called "Nutritional ketosis" People may have set of symptoms which are together called Keto Flu (Nausea , Vomiting , Dizziness , Headache , Insomnia and Sugar cravings. This occurs because our body is still adapting to Keto diet. These symptoms are temporary and resolves approximately within 2 weeks 

Long term side effects include Kidney stones , Nutritional deficiencies , Fatty liver , Hyperlipidemia , cancers.

What precautions should we take when we are on keto diet ?

Maintain Proper Hydration to prevent dehydration (drink lots of water as when we are on keto diet our kidney starts excreting more water and sodium)

Increase sodium content in diet to prevent hyponatremia

Take electrolyte supplements to prevent electrolyte imbalances

People with Type 2 diabetes mellitus must consult physician before starting keto diet to prevent Hypoglycemia

Do You Recommend Keto Diet ?

Yes for childhood epilepsy , neurological disorders , PCOS if prescribed by your physician

May be for short term weight loss

No for long term weight loss

Instead of keto diet less harmful methods like Intermittent fasting and Calorie restriction can be helpful for weight loss and Cholesterol control



Ted Eytan from Washington, DC, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons